Acute Hospital Care at Home (AHCAH) - Patient

The Acute Hospital Care at Home (AHCAH) initiative, launched in November 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, allows Medicare-certified hospitals to treat patients with inpatient-level care at home. Data contained within the AHCAH data set was collected by CMS directly from individual hospitals on either a weekly or monthly basis depending on their participation tier, which is based on the level of experience the facility has with providing hospital at-home services.

The AHCAH dataset contains two files, a Hospital file and a Patient file, which are both provided for a research request (i.e., cannot be requested separately). The Patient file contains a record for each AHCAH admission for the patient, and includes other beneficiary-specific data such as the beneficiary’s program eligibility status (Medicare, Medicaid, Dual) and the state Medicaid identifier, if applicable. The file also contains the facility submission date for the data represented in the file record. The submission date represents the data submitted by the facility for the previous month.

Each file contains the monthly or weekly submitted data for each participating hospital for the time period from November 2020 through March 2023 (29 months). A second data release is planned for the future at a date to be determined.

What does this file include? (variable highlights)

  • CCW Beneficiary Identifier
  • Beneficiary Program Identifier (Medicare, Medicaid, Dual)
  • Admission Date for In-Home Care Episode
  • Beneficiary State Medicaid Identifier
  • CMS Certifications Number (CCN), also known as the Facility Identifier
  • Facility Waiver Participation Tier (based on the level of experience the facility has with providing hospital at-home services)
  • Facility Waiver Submission Identifier
  • Data Submission Date
  • Facility Location Information

Special Considerations

  • AHCAH data may need to be requested in conjunction with Part A claims data to fully understand the information in the AHCAH dataset.
  • Questions about the data should be directed to ResDAC at

Acute Hospital Care at Home (AHCAH) - Hospital

The Acute Hospital Care at Home (AHCAH) initiative, launched in November 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, allows Medicare-certified hospitals to treat patients with inpatient-level care at home. Data contained within the AHCAH data set was collected by CMS directly from individual hospitals on either a weekly or monthly basis depending on their participation tier, which is based on the level of experience the facility has with providing hospital at-home services.

The AHCAH dataset contains two files, a Hospital file and a Patient file, which are both provided for a research request (i.e., cannot be requested separately). The Hospital file contains hospital-specific information, including facility location information, the waiver participation tier, and the submission date for the data represented in the file record. The submission date represents the data submitted by the facility for the previous month or week.

The Hospital file also contains three key metrics related to the in-home care provided during the data submission time period:

  1. The number of admissions to the inpatient home care setting
  2. The number of patient escalations of care, where the patient is transferred from the home back to the hospital, and
  3. The number of unexpected patient mortalities

Each file contains the monthly or weekly submitted data for each participating hospital for the time period from November 2020 through March 2023 (29 months). A second data release is planned for the future at a date to be determined.

What does this file include? (variable highlights)

  • CMS Certification Number (CCN), also known as the Facility Identifier
  • Facility Waiver Participation Tier (based on the level of experience the facility has with providing hospital-at-home services)
  • Facility Waiver Submission Identifier
  • Data Submission Date
  • Discharges
  • Escalations
  • Mortalities
  • Facility Location Information

Special Considerations

  • AHCAH data may need to be requested in conjunction with Part A claims data to fully understand the information in the AHCAH dataset.
  • Questions about the data should be directed to ResDAC at

CMS Announces Important Changes to Data Request and Access Policies for Researchers

(Updated 03/01/2024): The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has announced two changes to the current research data request and access policies. Specifically, CMS has announced changes to the current data dissemination policy for researchers and pricing changes for physical delivery of research files.

As part of the implementation of these policy changes, CMS has posted an informal Request for Information (RFI) seeking comments from stakeholders. The RFI will be open for comments until 05/15/2024.

ResDAC is now your one-stop shop for all CMS Research Data Use Agreement requests!

The Research Data Assistance Center (ResDAC) is expanding its services to become your comprehensive resource for all research data use agreement (DUA) needs. As of Monday, December 18th, ResDAC will process all DUA actions including closures, extensions and contact changes, as well as continuing to provide assistance completing DUA request packages.

Updated 2021 Medicare Advantage (Part C) Encounter Data Now Available

CMS is pleased to announce the availability of updated 2021 Medicare Advantage (Part C) Encounter data. In June 2023, CMS released a “Preliminary” version of the 2021 Medicare Advantage (MA) Encounter RIFs to give researchers earlier access to Encounter data for that service year. The Preliminary 2021 RIF data was not fully mature because Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAOs) were still submitting encounter records for that service year to CMS.