Project Design and Data Request Process

Date Recorded

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the Medicaid and CHIP TAF (T-MSIS Analytic File) Data for Research.

Topics include:

  • Considerations before submitting a request for TAF RIF (T-MSIS Analytic File, Research Identifiable Files)
  • Cohort selection options and considerations
  • RIF request process and timeline

Application to Research Studies

Date Recorded

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the Medicaid and CHIP TAF (T-MSIS Analytic File) Data for Research.

This presentation contains a discussion of Dr. Shippee’s work using Medicaid data with an emphasis on approaches to Medicaid data challenges.

Impact of Enrollment/Disenrollment on Research Studies

Date Recorded

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the Medicaid and CHIP TAF (T-MSIS Analytic File) Data for Research.

Topics include:

  • Measuring Medicaid disenrollment
  • State variation in disenrollment
  • Impact of disenrollment on research study populations
  • Possible approaches to address bias resulting from disenrollment

Data Quality

Date Recorded

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the Medicaid and CHIP TAF (T-MSIS Analytic File) Data for Research.

Topics include:

  • Most common Medicaid data missingness and quality issues
  • Highlights from’s DQ Atlas
  • Data quality intersections
  • Managed care and missing data

State Variation

Date Recorded

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the Medicaid and CHIP TAF (T-MSIS Analytic File) Data for Research.

Topics include:

  • Review of Medicaid program design and sources of state variation
  • Implications of state variation in Medicaid and other healthcare policies and demographics on healthcare use and spending in the Medicaid program
  • State variation in data submission quality

Description of Medicaid Enrollees

Date Recorded

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the Medicaid and CHIP TAF (T-MSIS Analytic File) Data for Research. When considering a research project using Medicaid and CHIP TAF (T-MSIS Analytic File), it is important to understand who is included in the underlying population.

Topics include: