For most files, a table of variables will display below, with links to the variable definitions. If no table displays, or if you need additional information for a specific variable, please see the CCW website. Data documentation is available for all files and codebooks for many.

If you are unable to locate the information you need, please contact ResDAC.

For most files, a table of variables will display below, with links to the variable definitions. If no table displays, or if you need additional information for a specific variable, please see the CCW website. Data documentation is available for all files and codebooks for many.

If you are unable to locate the information you need, please contact ResDAC.

NumberSAS NameVariable Name
1 PDE_ID CCW Encrypted Part D Event Number
2 BENE_ID CCW Encrypted Beneficiary ID Number
3 DOB_DT Patient Date of Birth (DOB)
4 GNDR_CD Patient Gender
5 SRVC_DT RX Service Date
6 PD_DT Paid Date
7 RX_SRVC_RFRNC_NUM RX Service Reference Number
8 PROD_SRVC_ID Product Service ID
10 PLAN_PBP_REC_NUM Plan Benefit Package ID
11 CMPND_CD Compound Code
12 DAW_PROD_SLCTN_CD Dispense as Written (DAW) Product Selection Code
13 QTY_DSPNSD_NUM Quantity Dispensed
14 DAYS_SUPLY_NUM Days Supply (Part D)
15 FILL_NUM Number of drug fills
16 DSPNSTCD_STUS_CD Dispensing Status Code
17 DRUG_CVRG_STUS_CD Drug Coverage Status Code
18 ADJSTMT_DLTN_CD Adjustment Deletion Code
19 NSTD_FRMT_CD Non-Standard Format Code
20 PRCNG_EXCPTN_CD Pricing Exception Code
21 CTSTRPHC_CVRG_CD Catastrophic Coverage Code
22 GDC_BLW_OOPT_AMT Gross Drug Cost Below Part D Out-of-Pocket Threshold (GDCB)
23 GDC_ABV_OOPT_AMT Gross Drug Cost Above Part D Out-of-Pocket Threshold (GDCA)
24 PTNT_PAY_AMT Amount Paid by Patient
25 OTHR_TROOP_AMT Other True Out-of-Pocket (TrOOP) Amount
26 LICS_AMT Amount paid for the PDE by Part D low income subsidy
27 PLRO_AMT Reduction in patient liability due to payments by other payers (PLRO)
28 CVRD_D_PLAN_PD_AMT Amount paid by Part D plan for the PDE (drug is covered by Part D)
29 NCVRD_PLAN_PD_AMT Amount paid by Part D plan for the PDE (drug is not covered by Part D)
30 TOT_RX_CST_AMT Total Drug Cost (Part D)
31 RX_ORGN_CD Prescription Origination Code
32 RPTD_GAP_DSCNT_NUM Gap Discount Amount
33 BRND_GNRC_CD Brand-Generic Code Reported by Submitting Plan
34 PHRMCY_SRVC_TYPE_CD Pharmacy service type code
35 PTNT_RSDNC_CD Patient Residence Code
36 SUBMSN_CLR_CD Submission clarification code
37 BENEFIT_PHASE Benefit Phase of Part D Event
38 CCW_PHARM_ID CCW Pharmacy Identifier
39 NCPDP_ID NCPDP Pharmacy Identifier (Event)
40 PRSCRBR_ID Prescriber Identification Number
41 PRSCRBR_ID_QLFYR_CD Prescriber identification number qualifier code
42 CCW_PRSCRBR_ID CCW Prescriber Identifier
43 PDE_PRSCRBR_ID_FRMT_CD PDE Prescriber ID Format Code
44 PRIOR_AUTHORIZATION_YN Prior Authorization Indicator (Event)
45 TIER_ID Medicare Part D Formulary Tier Identifier
46 QUANTITY_LIMIT_YN Quantity Limit Indicator (Event)
47 STEP Maximum Step Number
48 FORMULARY_ID Formulary Identification Number
49 FRMLRY_RX_ID CCW Formulary drug identifier
50 BN Brand Name
51 GNN Generic Name
52 STR Drug Strength Description
53 GCDF Dosage Form Code
54 GCDF_DESC Dosage Form Code Description
55 PTD_MODEL_IND Part D Model Indicator
56 OTHR_TROOP_AMOUNT_IND Other True Out-of-Pocket (TrOOP) Amount Indicator