Introduction the Use of Medicaid CHIP TAF (T-MSIS Analytic File) Data for Research

Medicaid TAF (T-MSIS Analytic File) data are optimized for researchers to analyze enrollment, demographics, service utilization and payments across states. At the same time, state variation in Medicaid policy and a complex data structure present challenges. Understanding the origin, structure and contents of the data is essential to designing a successful research project. This workshop delivers an overview of the Federal Medicaid benefit, provides tools to understand state variation in implementation of Medicaid programs and collection of data, describes available research files, and provides insight into how these features affect inference.

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Why You Should Attend this Workshop

You believe that Medicaid and CHIP TAF (T-MSIS Analytic File) data may answer your research question and you want to understand the strengths and limitations of the data.

You have investigated requesting Medicaid and CHIP TAF data and have questions about how best to request data to answer your research question.

You are answering a research question using Medicaid and CHIP TAF data and you want to understand the underlying structure and how to interpret what you see.

We no longer use statistical analysis software during the workshop; experience with specific software is not required. All attendees will be able to complete the exercises.

Educational Objectives
  • To provide participants with background knowledge about the Medicaid program relevant to understanding the underlying population (denominator).
  • To provide participants with background knowledge about how the processing and construction of the Medicaid and CHIP TAF data impacts use of the data.
  • To increase participants' understanding of the structure of the Medicaid and CHIP TAF data, the fields contained within the TAF, and the inference that can be gained from each type of data when used.
  • Be able to use Medicaid enrollment information for defining study populations, identifying target populations, and calculating rates.
  • To provide participants with strategies for assessing the impact of various analytic decisions on findings from studies using the Medicaid and CHIP TAF data.
  • To equip researchers with the necessary information to request the appropriate data for a research study of their own.

Workshop Videos

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the…

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the…

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the…

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the…

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the…

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the…

This video is one segment in a series of videos from ResDAC’s Introduction to the Use of the…