Search Data Variables

A beneficiary’s age group (in years) during the last month of enrollment in the calendar year, grouped into categories.

This is the beneficiary’s age, expressed in years and calculated as of the end of the calendar year, or, for beneficiaries that died during the year, age as of the date of death

Indicates whether the provider’s taxonomy value maps to the agency provider category; ever in the calendar year.

This is the identification of the current software agent used by the facility to handle the computerization of the assessment requirement, if applicable.

The AHCAH waiver submission ID. The waiver ID is assigned to the participating hospital CCN (CMS Certification Number); there is only one AHCAH_WVR_SUBMSN_ID for each CCN.

AHRQ Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) Diagnosis Category Code. The CCSR aggregates International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification/Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-CM/PCS) codes into clinically meaningful categories. The CCSR for ICD-10-CM diagnoses aggregates more than 70,000 ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes into over 530 clinical categories across 21 body systems.

The edition of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Cancer Staging manual used to describe the patient’s cancer stage.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering both Medicare and Medicaid data, for having Alcohol Use Disorder.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicaid data, for having Alcohol Use Disorder.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicare data, for having Alcohol Use Disorder.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicare data, for having alcohol use disorder as of the end of the calendar year.

This variable shows the date when the beneficiary first met the criteria for the alcohol use disorders indicator. The variable will be blank for beneficiaries that have never had the condition.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicare data, for having alcohol use disorder as of the end of the calendar year.

Alcohol Use Disorders - Medicare Only Claims, First Ever Occurrence Date

Alcohol Use Disorders - Medicaid Only Claims, First Ever Occurrence Date

This variable indicates whether a beneficiary met the Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW) criteria for all-cause pneumonia as of the end of the calendar year.

Indicates whether the provider’s taxonomy value maps to the allopathic, osteopathic physicians category; ever in the calendar year.

This variable indicates whether a beneficiary met the Chronic Condition Data Warehouse (CCW) criteria for Alzheimer's disease and related disorders or senile dementia as of the end of the calendar year. 

This variable indicates whether a beneficiary met the Chronic Condition Warehouse (CCW) criteria for Alzheimer's disease and related disorders or senile dementia on July 1 of the specified reference period.

This code specifies whether the beneficiary met the Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW) algorithm criteria for Alzheimer's disease as of the end of the calendar year.

This code specifies whether the beneficiary met the Chronic Condition Data Warehouse (CCW) algorithm criteria for Alzheimer's disease as of the end of the calendar year.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering both Medicare and Medicaid data, for having Alzheimer's Disease.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicaid data, for having Alzheimer's Disease.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicare data, for having Alzheimer's Disease.

This code specifies whether the beneficiary met the Chronic Condition Data Warehouse (CCW) algorithm criteria for Alzheimer's disease on July 1 of the specified reference period.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicaid data, for having Alzheimer's Disease Related Disorders or Senile Dementia.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicare data, for having Alzheimer's Disease Related Disorders or Senile Dementia.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering both Medicare and Medicaid data, for having Alzheimer's or related dementia.

Alzheimer's or Related Dementia - Medicaid Only Claims, First Ever Occurrence Date

Alzheimer's or Related Dementia - Medicare Only Claims, First Ever Occurrence Date

Alzheimer's Disease - Medicaid Only Claims, FIrst Ever Occurrence Date

Alzheimer's Disease - Medicare Only Claims, First Ever Occurrence Date

The charge amount (rounded to whole dollars) for ambulance services related to a beneficiary's stay.

Indicates whether the provider’s taxonomy value maps to the ambulatory health care facility provider category; ever in the calendar year.

This variable is the sum of coinsurance and deductible payments in the part B ambulatory surgery center (ASC) setting for a given year. The total beneficiary payment is calculated as the sum of the LINE_COINSRNC_AMT + LINE_BENE_PTB_DDCTBL_AMT for all relevant lines.

ASC claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier data file. The ASC claims are identified by the claim lines where the LINE_CMS_TYPE_SRVC_CD ='F'.

This variable is the count of events in the part B ambulatory surgery center (ASC) setting for a given year. An event is defined as each line item that contains an ASC service.

ASC claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier data file. The ASC claims are identified by the claim lines where the LINE_CMS_TYPE_SRVC_CD ='F'.

This variable is the total Medicare payments in the part B ambulatory surgery center (ASC) setting for a given year. ASC claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier data file.

The ASC claims are identified by the claim lines where the LINE_CMS_TYPE_SRVC_CD = 'F'. The total ASC Medicare Payments are calculated as the sum of LINE_NCH_PMT_AMT where the LINE_PRCSG_IND_CD was ('A','R', or 'S').

This variable indicates the total amount paid for services in the ambulatory surgery center (ASC) setting by a primary payer other than Medicare for a given year. ASC claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier data file.

The ASC claims are identified by the claim lines where the LINE_CMS_TYPE_SRVC_CD = 'F'. The total ASC Primary Payer Payments are calculated as the sum of the LINE_BENE_PRMRY_PYR_PD_AMT.

Acute Myocardial Infarction - Medicaid Only Claims, First Ever Occurrence Date

Acute Myocardial Infarction - Medicare Only Claims, First Ever Occurrence Date

This is the net amount that the Part D plan paid for a PDE that was covered by the Medicare Part D benefit.

This field is populated when the Drug Coverage Code (DRUG_CVRG_STUS_CD) equals “C”.

This field excludes supplemental drugs, supplemental cost-sharing, over-the-counter drugs, and any non-Part D drugs that are funded by Part C rebates. Finally, this field does not include any amounts paid by the Part D low-income subsidy.

This is the net amount paid by the Part D plan (i.e., for enhanced alternative benefits) including cost sharing fill-in and/or non-Part D drugs. This dollar amount is excluded from risk corridor calculations.

Medicare requires Part D plans to cover certain drugs, but some plans may offer benefits that are more generous than the standard benefit by covering drugs that Part D does not cover.

This variable is the dollar amount that the beneficiary paid for the PDE without being reimbursed by a third party.

The amount includes all copayments, coinsurance, deductible, or other patient payment amounts, and comes directly from the source PDE. This amount contributes to a beneficiary's true out-of-pocket (TrOOP) costs, but only if it is for a Part D-covered drug (i.e., spending on non-covered drugs does not count toward the TrOOP amount).  

This is the amount of cost sharing for the drug that was paid by the Part D low-income subsidy (LICS). This field contains plan-reported amounts per drug event; CMS uses this information to reconcile the prospective payments it makes to Part D plans for expected low-income cost sharing with the actual amounts incurred by the plans.

This variable indicates whether a beneficiary met the Chronic Condition Data Warehouse (CCW) criteria for anemia as of the end of the calendar year.

This variable indicates whether a beneficiary met the Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW) criteria for anemia as of the end of the calendar year.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicaid data, for having Anemia.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicare data, for having Anemia.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering both Medicare and Medicaid data, for having an Anemia.

This variable indicates whether a beneficiary met the Chronic Condition Data Warehouse (CCW) criteria for anemia on July 1 of the specified reference period.