Search Data Variables

Co-treatment minutes of occupational therpay services that were provided over the SNF stay.

Number of days of occupational therpay services that were provided over the SNF stay.

Individual minutes of physical therpay services that were provided over the SNF stay.

Concurrent minutes of physical therpay services that were provided over the SNF stay.

Group minutes of physicaltherpay services that were provided over the SNF stay.

Co-treatment minutes of physical therpay services that were provided over the SNF stay.

Number of days of physical therpay services that were provided over the SNF stay.

Distinct calendar days of Part A therapy for at least 15 minutes during the SNF Part A stay.  If a resident receives more than one therapy discipline on a given calendar day, this may only count for one calendar day.

The data in this column indicates whether a previous rehabilitation therapy regime (speech, occupational, and /or physical therapy) ended, as reported on this End of Therapy OMRA, and the regime now resumed at exactly the same level for each discipline.

The data in this column indicates the date on which the therapy regime resumed.

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the resident received passive range of motion (ROM) for at least 15 minutes a day in the last seven days.

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the resident received active range of motion (ROM) for at least 15 minutes a day in the last seven days.

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the resident received splint or brace assistance for at least 15 minutes a day in the last seven days. 

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the resident received bed mobility training for at least 15 minutes a day in the last seven days.

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the resident received transfer training for at least 15 minutes a day in the last seven days.

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the resident received walking training for at least 15 minutes a day in the last seven days.

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the resident received dressing and/or grooming training for at least 15 minutes a day in the last seven days.

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the resident received eating and/or swallowing training for at least 15 minutes a day in the last seven days.

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the resident received amputation or prosthesis care for at least 15 minutes a day in the last seven days.

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the resident received communication activities for at least 15 minutes a day in the last seven days.

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the physician (or authorized assistant or practitioner) examined the resident in the last 14 days.

The data in this column indicates the number of days that the physician (or authorized assistant or practitioner) changed the resident's orders in the last 14 days.

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering both Medicare and Medicaid data, for having Obesity. 

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicaid data, for having Obesity. 

This code specifies whether the enrollee met the chronic condition algorithm criteria, considering only Medicare data, for having Obesity. 

This variable indicates whether a beneficiary met the condition criteria for obesity as of the end of the calendar year.

This variable shows the date when the beneficiary first met the criteria for the obesity indicator. The variable will be blank for beneficiaries that have never had the condition.

Obesity - Medicaid Only Claims, First Ever Occurrence Date

Obesity -Medicare Only Claims, First Ever Occurrence Date

The switch used to identify whether the claim involves treatment or observation in an observation room.

Body movements or postures (e.g., bracing, guarding, rubbing or massaging a body part/area, clutching or holding a body part during movement, rigid, tense body posture; withdrawing an extremity to an external stimulus; fidgeting; increased pacing, rocking; restricted movement; gait or mobility changes)Non-verbal sounds (e.g., crying, whining, gasping, moaning, or groaning)

Facial expressions (e.g., grimaces, winces, wrinkled forehead, furrowed brow, clenched teeth or jaw, rapid eye blinking; tightly closed eyes)

Non-verbal sounds (e.g., crying, whining, gasping, moaning, or groaning)

None of these signs observed or documented. [SKIP TO DNC-TIME]

Vocal complaints of pain (e.g., “that hurts, ouch, stop”)

The charge amount (rounded to whole dollars) for occupational therapy services provided during the beneficiary's stay.

A code to describe to describe specific event(s) relating to this billing period covered by the claim. These codes are associated with specific date(s); refer to the occurrence code start (OCRNC_CD_START_DT) and end dates (OCRNC_CD_END_DT).

The last date that the corresponding occurrence code (variable called OCRNC_CD) or occurrence span code was applicable.

The sequence number of the occurrence code that relates to the claim (variable called OCRNC_CD).

The start date of the corresponding occurrence code (variable called OCRNC_CD) or occurrence span codes.

OCM six-month performance period. Episodes of care were organized by performance periods, which are the six-month periods of time during which a cohort of episodes terminated and was reconciled together.

OCM-assigned cancer type.

OCM-assigned practice ID

In the timeframe specific to your market group, have you been offered any rehabilitation therapies (e.g., physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy) by your care providers?

The charge amount (rounded to whole dollars) for the oncology services related to the beneficiary's stay.

The switch indicating whether or not the beneficiary received oncology services during the stay.

The charge amount (rounded to whole dollars) for the operating room and recovery room related to the beneficiary's stay.

Indicates when the operating authority is 1115/1915(j) for the MC_PLAN_ID; ever in the calendar year