Search Data Variables

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers that family or a significant other be involved in care discussions.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers to use the phone in private.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers having a place to lock their personal belongings.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers reading books, magazines or newspapers.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers listening to music.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers being around animals such as pets.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers keeping up on news.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers doing things with groups of people.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers participating in favorite activities.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers spending time away from the nursing home.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers spending time outdoors.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident prefers participating in religious activities or practices.

The data in this column indicates that there were no daily or activity preferences identified during staff assessment.

Date of the patient’s admission to the facility.

The date the facility submitted weekly or monthly data to CMS.

This can be used by facility for unique identification of the record and tracking of records submitted to the state.

Facility size is above or below setting-type median

Facility episodes per year (# of discharges for IRFs and LTCHs, # of stays for SNFs, and # of non-LUPA episodes for HHAs)

The CMS facility internal identifier that is unique within a state.  For the NATL_MDS_FAC_SUBMSN_SMRY, NATL_HHA_FAC_SUBMSN_SMRY, OBQI_ROLLUPS, OBQI_CMIX_RISK_ADJSTD_ROLLUPS, OBQI_RAO_RISK_ADJSTD_ROLLUPS, OBQI_BRIEFG_BOOK_MISC_MSR and MEGA_QI_INITL_ROLLUP tables, if the number is a positive value, it is the CMS facility internal identifier.

This column contains the facility internal ID for nursing home facilities or the provider internal number for swing bed providers.

The facility location’s address.

The facility location’s city.

Facility location in urban versus nonurban

The facility location’s ZIP code.

Facility’s ownership is for-profit versus non-profit

The facility location’s phone number.

This column contains the facility internal ID for nursing home facilities or the provider internal number for swing bed providers.

Medicaid Coinsurance and Deductible FFS Payments for Months with  'Full'  Dual Status

Medicaid Coinsurance and Deductible FFS and Managed Care Payments for Months with 'Full' Dual Status

Medicaid FFS claims for months with 'Full' Dual Status

Medicaid covered days for months with 'Full' Dual Status*

Medicaid days for months with 'Full' Dual Status  (day count determined from start and end date of the claim)*

Medicaid FFS Payments for Months with  'Full'  Dual Status

Medicaid FFS and Managed Care Payments for Months with  'Full'  Dual Status

Federal Share of Medicaid Payments for Months with 'Full' Dual Status

State Share of Medicaid Payments for Months with  'Full'  Dual Status

Medicare Coinsurance and Deductible FFS Payments for Months with 'Full' Dual Status

Medicare FFS claims for months with 'Full' Dual Status 

Medicare Covered days for months with 'Full' Dual Status*

Medicare days (covered and non-covered) for months with 'Full' Dual Status*

Medicare FFS payments for months with 'Full' Dual Status

Medicare Home Health Visits for months with 'Full' Dual Status

A federally-assigned service category code added during TAF production using a standard methodology to classify similar types of service use records across all claim files and across both feefor-service and managed care encounter records. It also allows for consistent identification of nonclaim financial transactions, including managed care capitation records, other per-member-per-month payments, and DSH payments.

Monthly Federal share of all Medicaid payments (based on ending date of service)



The date the fiscal intermediary completes processing and releases the institutional claim to the CMS common working file (CWF; stored in the NCH).

The type of action requested by the intermediary to be taken on an institutional claim.

The identification number assigned by CMS to a fiscal intermediary (FI) authorized to process institutional claim records.

Effective October 2006, the Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) began replacing the existing fiscal intermediaries and started processing institutional claim records for states assigned to its jurisdiction.