Search Data Variables

This variable is the Overarching Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) indicator, which identifies whether a beneficiary met any of the three opioid-related sub-Indicators as of the end of the calendar year. Beneficiaries who were identified as meeting the criteria for any of the following, also meet the criteria for this overarching indicator: OUD_DX_MEDICARE, OUD_HOSP_MEDICARE, or OUD_MAT_MEDICARE.

This variable shows the date when the beneficiary first met the criteria for the Overarching opioid use disorder (OUD) condition indicator (Any of the Three SubIndicators). The variable will be blank for beneficiaries that have never had the condition.

The tax identification number (TIN) of the hospital provider used to identify ownership. Medicare’s three-day (or one-day) payment window applies to outpatient services furnished by hospitals and hospitals wholly owned or wholly operated Part B entities.

The initial date for oxygen equipment.

The initial date indicator for oxygen equipment.

The previous date for oxygen equipment. This date applies to claim lines that have a backdated initial date indicator (DMERC_OXGN_INITL_DT_CD = B).

The data in this column indicates the frequency that a bed rail(s) was used.

The data in this column indicates the frequency that a trunk restraint in bed was used.

The data in this column indicates the frequency that a limb restraint in bed was used.

The data in this column indicates the frequency that an other type of restraint in bed was used.

The data in this column indicates the frequency that a trunk restraint in a chair was used.

The data in this column indicates the frequency that a limb restraint in a chair was used.

The data in this column indicates the frequency that a chair to prevent rising was used.

The data in this column indicates the frequency that an other type of restraint in a chair was used.

The data in this column indicates how often a bed alarm was used to monitor resident movement and alert staff.

The data in this column indicates how often a chair alarm was used to monitor resident movement and alert staff.

The data in this column indicates how often a floor mat alarm was used to monitor resident movement and alert staff.

The data in this column indicates how often a motion sensor alarm was used to monitor resident movement and alert staff.

The data in this column indicates how often a wander/elopement alarm was used to monitor resident movement and alert staff.

The data in this column indicates how often an other type of alarm was used to monitor resident movement and alert staff.

The date on which the plan originally paid the pharmacy for the prescription drug.

Indicates how much of the time, over the past 5 days, the patient has had pain that has made it hard to sleep at night.

Indicates how much of the time, over the past 5 days, the patient has  limited their day-to-day activities (excluding rehabilitation therapy sessions) because of pain.

Indicates how much of the time, over the past 5 days, the patient has  limited their participation in rehabilitation therapy sessions due to pain.

Pain Section Notes

Parent participant NPI number.

This variable indicates whether a beneficiary met the Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW) criteria for Parkinson's disease and secondary parkinsonism as of the end of the calendar year.

Months of Part A coverage

This code specifies the reason Part A entitlement was terminated.

This variable is the sum of coinsurance and deductible payments for part B drugs for a given year. The total Beneficiary payments are calculated as the sum of LINE_COINSRNC_AMT + LINE_BENE_PTB_DDCTBL_AMT for the relevant lines.

Part B drug claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier and DME data files. The Part B drug claims are identified by BETOS codes (CCW variable BETOS_CD with values of 'D1G','O1D','O1E','O1G','I1E', or 'I1F').

This variable is the count of events in the part B drug setting for a given year. An event is defined as each line item that contains the relevant service.

Part B drug claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier and DME data files. The Part B drug claims are identified by BETOS codes (CCW variable BETOS_CD with values of 'D1G','O1D','O1E','O1G','I1E', or 'I1F').

This variable is the total Medicare payments for Part B drugs for a given year. Part B drug claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier and DME data files.

The Part B drug claims are identified by BETOS codes (CCW variable BETOS_CD with values of 'D1G','O1D','O1E','O1G','I1E', or 'I1F'). Total Part B drug payments are calculated as sum of LINE_NCH_PMT_AMT where the LINE_PRCSG_IND_CD was ('A','R', or 'S').

This variable indicates the total amount paid for Part B drugs by a primary payer other than Medicare for a given year. Part B drug claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier and DME data files.

The Part B drug claims are identified by BETOS codes (CCW variable BETOS_CD with values of 'D1G','O1D','O1E','O1G','I1E', or 'I1F'). Total Part B drug payments from a Primary Payer are calculated as the sum of the LINE_BENE_PRMRY_PYR_PD_AMT.

Months of Part B coverage

This variable is the sum of coinsurance and deductible payments for the part B physician office services (PHYS) for a given year. The total Beneficiary payments are calculated as the sum of LINE_COINSRNC_AMT + LINE_BENE_PTB_DDCTBL_AMT for the relevant lines.

Physician office claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier and DME data files, and a subset of physician evaluation and management claims (note that E&M are tabulated separately in this data file). The PHYS claims are defined as those with a line BETOS code (BETOS_CD) where the first three digits =M1A or M1B (the remainder of physician services which occur in different settings appear in EM_MDCR_PMT).

This variable is the count of events in the part B physician office services (PHYS) for a given year. An event is defined as each line item that contains the relevant service.

Physician office claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier and DME data files, and a subset of physician evaluation and management claims (note that E&M are tabulated separately in this data file). The PHYS claims are defined as those with a line BETOS code (BETOS_CD) where the first three digits =M1A or M1B (the remainder of physician services which occur in different settings appear in EM_MDCR_PMT).

This variable is the total Medicare payments for the part B physician office services (PHYS) for a given year. Physician office claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier and DME data files, and a subset of physician evaluation and management claims (note that E&M are tabulated separately in this data file).

The physician claims are defined as those with a line BETOS code (BETOS_CD) where the first 3 digits = M1A or M1B (note that all other BETOS_CD that begin with "M" are categorized as other evaluation & management services in this file – see EM_MDCR_PMT). The total Medicare payments are calculated as the sum of LINE_NCH_PMT_AMT where the LINE_PRCSG_IND_CD was ('A','R', or 'S') - for all relevant lines

This variable indicates the total amount paid for part B physician office services (PHYS) by a primary payer other than Medicare for a given year. Physician office claims are a subset of the claims in the Part B Carrier and DME data files, and a subset of physician evaluation and management claims (note that E&M are tabulated separately in this data file).

The PHYS claims are defined as those with a line BETOS code (BETOS_CD) where the first three digits =M1A or M1B (the remainder of physician services which occur in different settings appear in EM_MDCR_PMT). The total Primary Payer Payments are calculated as the sum of the LINE_BENE_PRMRY_PYR_PD_AMT.

This variable is the dollar amount of Part D rebate attributed to Part B premium reduction.

Dollar amount of Part D rebate attributed to Part B premium reduction.

This code specifies the reason Part B entitlement was terminated.

This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (April).

CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.

This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (August).

CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.

This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (December).

CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.

This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (February).

CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.

This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (January).

CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.

This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (July).

CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.

This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (June).

CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.

This variable is the Medicare Part C contract number for the beneficiary’s Medicare Advantage (MA) plan for a given month (March).

CMS assigns an identifier to each contract that a managed care plan has with CMS.