Owning Provider Tax Identification Number (TIN)

SAS Name

The tax identification number (TIN) of the hospital provider used to identify ownership. Medicare’s three-day (or one-day) payment window applies to outpatient services furnished by hospitals and hospitals wholly owned or wholly operated Part B entities.


This field is not populated prior to 2021. Applies to hospital, types of bill (TOBs) 011x, 013x, and 014x, claims transmitted to CWF on Effective and Term dates, when the Ownership type equals “1” (Hospital TIN is Owner) or “2” (Owned by different Hospital TIN). The Medicare contractor shall pass to CWF the Provider's TIN in the “Owning TIN” field, when the “Ownership Type” field is blank, with all hospital 011x claims transmitted to CWF on Effective and Term dates.

The TOB is the concatenation of two variables:

Facility type (CLM_FAC_TYPE_CD)

Service classification type (CLM_SRVC_CLSFCTN_TYPE_CD).

Source: NCH