Search Data Variables

This field is checked if the patient is at risk for hospitalization is none of the above.

This field is checked if the patient is at risk for hospitalization due to taking 5 or more medications.

This field is checked if the patient is at risk for hospitalization is other risk not listed here.

This field is checked if the patient is at risk for hospitalization due to multiple ER visits (2 or more) in the past 6 months.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident has a foot infection (e.g., cellulitis, purulent drainage).

The data in this column indicates whether the resident has diabetic foot ulcer(s).

The data in this column indicates whether the resident has other open lesion(s) on the foot.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident has lesion(s) other than ulcers, rashes or cuts (e.g., cancer lesion).

The data in this column indicates whether the resident has surgical wound(s).

The data in this column indicates whether the resident has burn(s) (second or third degree).

The data in this column indicates whether the resident has a skin tear(s).

The data in this column indicates whether the resident has moisture associated skin damage.

The data in this column indicates that none of the above other ulcers, wounds or skin problems were present.

This field indicates if the patient received the influenza vaccine during this episode of care (on or between October 1 and March 31) in agency.

This field indicates the reason why the influenza vaccine was received from the agency during this episode of care.

This field indicates the reason why the PPV was not received from the agency during this episode of care.

This field indicates the most recent height measurement since the most recent SOC/ROC.

This field indicates the most recent base weight in the last 30 days; measure weight consistently, according to standard agency practice (for example, in a.m. after voiding, before meal, with shoes off, etc.)

The data in this column indicates that a pressure reducing device is used in the resident's chair.

The data in this column indicates that a pressure reducing device is used in the resident's bed.

The data in this column indicates that a turning/repositioning program is in place for the resident.

The data in this column indicates that the resident is receiving nutrition or hydration interventions to manage skin problems.

The data in this column indicates that the resident is receiving pressure ulcer care.

The data in this column indicates that the resident is receiving surgical wound care.

The data in this column indicates that nonsurgical dressings (with or without topical medications) are applied to body other than feet.

The data in this column indicates that ointments/medications are applied to the body other than feet.

The data in this column indicates that dressings (with or without topical medications) are applied to the body other than feet.

The data in this column indicates that none of the above skin or ulcer treatments were provided.

This field indicates the patient's ability to hear.

This field indicates the current number of unstageable unhealed pressure ulcers due to suspected deep tissue injury in evolution

This field indicates the current number of unstageable unhealed pressure ulcers due to suspected deep tissue injury that were present on admission (most recent SOC / ROC).

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage II that were present on admission (most recent SOC / ROC).

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage III that were present on admission (most recent SOC / ROC).

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage IV that were present on admission (most recent SOC / ROC).

This field indicates the current number of unstageable unhealed pressure ulcers due to coverage of wound bed by slough and/or eschar that were present on admission (most recent SOC / ROC).

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage II.

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage II that were present on admission (most recent SOC / ROC).

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage III.

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage III that were present on admission (most recent SOC / ROC).

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage IV.

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage IV that were present on admission (most recent SOC / ROC).

This field indicates the current number of unstageable unhealed pressure ulcers due to  non-removeable dressing/device that were present on admission (most recent SOC / ROC).

This field indicates the current number of unstageable unhealed pressure ulcers due to non-removeable dressing/device.

This field indicates the current number of unstageable unhealed pressure ulcers due to coverage of wound bed by slough and/or eschar.

This field indicates the current number of unstageable unhealed pressure ulcers due to coverage of wound bed by slough and/or eschar that were present on admission (most recent SOC / ROC).

This field indicates the current number of unstageable unhealed pressure ulcers due to deep tissue injury in evolution.

This field indicates the current number of unstageable unhealed pressure ulcers due to deep tissue injury in evolution that were present on admission (most recent SOC / ROC).

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage III that were not present or were at a lesser stage at most recent SOC / ROC.

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage II that were not present or were at a lesser stage at most recent SOC / ROC.

This field indicates the current number of unhealed pressure ulcers at stage IV that were not present or were at a lesser stage at most recent SOC / ROC.