Search Data Variables

Five-digit ZIP Code of Beneficiary/Enrollee

This variable is an indicator as to whether or not the pharmacy accepts electronic prescriptions (computer to computer).

The data in this column indicates whether the resident is experiencing hallucinations.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident is experiencing delusions.

The data in this column indicates that no hallucinations or delusions were present.

The data in this column indicates the frequency that the resident has physical behavioral symptoms directed toward others (e.g., hitting, kicking, pushing, scratching, grabbing, abusing others sexually).

The data in this column indicates the frequency that the resident has verbal behavioral symptoms directed toward others (e.g., threatening others, screaming at others, cursing at others).

The data in this column indicates the frequency that the resident has other behavioral symptoms directed toward others (e.g., physical symptoms, such as hitting or scratching self, pacing, rummaging, public sexual acts, disrobing in public, throwing or smearing food or bodily wastes, or verbal/verbal symptoms like screaming, disruptive sounds).

The data in this column indicates if any of the behavioral symptoms in E0200A-E0200C were coded as 1, 2 or 3.

The data in this column indicates if the identified symptoms (physical, verbal or other behavioral symptoms) put the resident at significant risk for physical illness or injury.

The data in this column indicates if the identified symptoms (physical, verbal or other behavioral symptoms) interfered with the resident's care.

The data in this column indicates if the identified symptoms (physical, verbal or other behavioral symptoms) significantly interfere with the resident's participation in activities or social interaction.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident's symptoms put others at risk for injury.

The data in this column indicates if the whether the resident's symptoms significantly intrudes on the privacy or activity of others.

The data in this column indicates if the whether the resident's symptoms significantly disrupt the care or living environment.

The data in this column indicates the frequency that the resident rejected evaluation or care that is necessary to achieve the resident's goals for health and well-being.

The data in this column identifies the frequency that the resident wandered.

The data in this column identifies whether the resident's wandering places them at significant risk for getting to a potentially dangerous situation.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident's wandering significantly intrudes on the privacy or activity of others.

The data in this column identifies how the resident's current behavior status compares to the prior assessment (e.g., stairs, outside of the facility).

This date determines the year of the assessment.  For MDS, the effective date is based on the (AA8A) Primary Reason for Assessment field.  The effective date will be the R4 Discharge Date for any discharge (RFA 06, 07, 08); the A4A Reentry Date for any re-entry (RFA 09); or the R2B Complete Date for any other type of assessment (RFA 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 10, 00.)  For SB, this date is the same as the Completion Date as is equal to the following dates: 15 (R4) - Discharge Date, 16 (A4A) - Reentry Date and 45b (R2B) - Completion Date

Indicates whether the Part D plan benefit package is an employer group waiver plan (EGWP). EGWP plan are not open to general enrollment but rather are offered to beneficiaries through an employer group.

The amount field (rounded to whole dollars) that represents the Electronic Health Record (EHR) Payment reduction for eligible hospitals that are not meaningful EHR users.

This field is a switch that identifies which hospitals are Electronic Health Records (EHR) meaningful users.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process for the calendar year; most recent in the calendar year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

The eligibility group applicable to the beneficiary based on the eligibility determination process, in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Indicates if the beneficiary's T-MSIS eligibility end date was recoded to the last day of the calendar year because the original eligibility end date was either NULL or after the last day of the calendar year, either of which indicates the beneficiary was eligible beyond the calendar year.

Eligible for PHQ-9 per PHQ-2


Indicates if the managed care entity is authorized to enroll the 1115 expansion eligibility groups; ever in the calendar year.

Indicates if the managed care entity is authorized to enroll the CHIP Additional Options for Coverage - Children eligibility groups; ever in the calendar year.

Indicates if the managed care entity is authorized to enroll the CHIP Additional Options for Coverage - Pregnant Women eligibility groups; ever in the calendar year.

Indicates if the managed care entity is authorized to enroll the CHIP Coverage — Children eligibility groups; ever in the calendar year.

Indicates if the managed care entity is authorized to enroll the mandatory Aged/Blind/Disabled (A/B/D) eligibility groups; ever in the calendar year.

Indicates if the managed care entity is authorized to enroll the mandatory family/adult eligibility groups; ever in the calendar year.

Indicates if the managed care entity is authorized to enroll the medically needy A/B/D eligibility groups; ever in the calendar year.

Indicates if the managed care entity is authorized to enroll the medically needy adult/family eligibility groups; ever in the calendar year.

Indicates if the managed care entity is authorized to enroll the family/adult eligibility groups; ever in the calendar year.

Indicates if the managed care entity is authorized to enroll the optional A/B/D eligibility groups; ever in the calendar year.