Search Data Variables

The field used to identify the discount percentage that will be applied to the payment for all the hospitals' DRG over the lifetime of the Bundled Payments for Care Improvement initiative (BPCI, Model 1).

The data in this column identifies whether or not a Brief Interview for Mental Status(BIMS) should be performed.

The data in this column identifies the number of words that the patient repeated after the first attempt.

The data in this column identifies how closely the patient knew the current year.

The data in this column identifies how closely the patient knew the current month.

The data in this column identifies whether the patient knew the correct day of the week.

The data in this column identifies the patient's ability to recall the first word.

The data in this column identifies the patient's ability to recall the second word.

The data in this column identifies the patient's ability to recall the third word.

This column contains the BIMS (Brief Interview for Mental Status) score, which is calculated by adding the scores in items C0200-C0400.

The data in this column indicates whether or not a staff assessment for mental status should be performed.

The data in this column identifies the resident's short term memory ability.

The data in this column identifies the resident's long term memory ability.

The data in this column indentifies whether or not the patient was able to recall the current season during the three-day assessment period.

The data in this column indentifies whether or not the resident was able to recall the current season.

The data in this column indentifies whether or not the patient was able to recall the location of their room during the three-day assessment period.

The data in this column indentifies whether or not the resident was able to recall the location of their room.

The data in this column indentifies whether or not the patient was able to recall staff names and faces during the three-day assessment period.

The data in this column indentifies whether or not the resident was able to recall staff names and faces.

The data in this column indentifies whether or not the resident was able to recall that they are in a nursing home.

The data in this column indentifies whether or not the patient was able to recall that they are in a hospital/hospital unit during the three-day assessment period.

If equal to one, the data in this column identifies that none of the above were recalled during the three-day assessment period.

If equal to one, the data in this column identifies that none of the above were recalled.

The data in this column indicates the resident's level of decision-making ability.

The data in this column indicates how often the resident is exhibiting inattention (easily distracted, out of touch or difficulty following what was said).

The data in this column indicates how often the resident is exhibiting disorganized thinking.

The data in this column indicates how often the resident is exhibiting an altered level of consciousness.

The data in this column indicates how often the resident is exhibiting psychomotor retardation.

Indicates whether there has been an acute change in mental status from the resident's baseline.

Indicates whether the resident exhibits signs and symptoms of inattention.

Indicates whether the resident exhibits signs and symptoms of disorganized thinking.

Indicates whether the resident exhibits signs and symptoms of altered level of consciousness.

The data in this column indicates whether the resident experienced an acute change in their mental status.

The data in this column indicates if the patient experienced an acute change in mental status from the patient's baseline during the admission period.

The data in this column indicates if the patient's abnormal behavior fluctuated during the day during the admission period.

The data in this column indicates whether or not the patient had difficulty focusing attention during the admission period.

The data in this column indicates whether or not the patient experienced disorganized thinking behaviors during the admission time period.

The data in this column indicates if the patient's level of consciousness was alert (normal) during the admission time period.

The data in this column indicates if the patient's level of consciousness was abnormal (Vigilant (Hyperalert), Lethargic (drowsy, easily aroused) or Stupor (difficult to arouse) or Coma (unarousable) during the admission period.

A preliminary calculation made prior to determining the CMG group.  Age is computed on the basis of the difference between the Admission Date (Item 12) and the Birth Date (Item 6).

Calculated atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk score.

The value in this field indicates the type of birth date that was submitted: full, month and year or year only.

The CMS Certification Number (CCN) of the facility calculated by the ASAP system.

The Case-Mix Group code that is calculated from the data submitted to the NACD.

The version code of the CMG Grouper on the NACD.

A preliminary calculation made prior to determining the CMG group.  The cognitive score is based upon 5 variables that are taken from Item 39 on the IRF-PAI form.

The value of the HIPPS (Health Insurance Prospective Payment System) code calculated by the state system using the OASIS PPS dll for this assessment.

The version of the HIPPS (Health Insurance Prospective Payment System) code calculated.

A preliminary calculation made prior to determining the CMG group.  The motor score is based upon 12 variables that are taken from Item 39 on the IRF-PAI form.