Search Data Variables

Indicates the frequency of the patient's crying or tearfulness.

Indicates the frequency of the patient's repetitive physical movements.  Examples include: pacing, hand wringing, restlessness, fidgeting, picking.

Indicates the frequency of the patient's withdrawal from activities of interest.  Examples include having no interest in long standing activities or being with family or friends.

Indicates the frequency of the patient's reduced social interaction.  Examples include being less talkative, more isolated.

This is the first ICD code indicating the etiologic problem that led to the condition for which the patient is receiving rehabilitation.

Indicates the frequency of the patient's wandering (locomotion with no discernible, rational purpose).  Wandering may be manifested by walking or by wheelchair.

Indicates the frequency of the patient's verbally abusive behavior.  Other patients or staff were threatened, screamed at, or cursed at.

Indicates the frequency of the patient's physically abusive behavior.  Other patients or staff were hit, shoved, scratched, or sexually abused.

Indicates the frequency of the patient's socially inappropriate or disruptive behavior.  Examples include disruptive sounds, excessive noise, screams, self-abusive acts, sexual behavior or disrobing in public, smearing or throwing food or feces, hoarding, rummaging through others' belongings.

Indicates the patient's frequency in resisting care.  Examples include resisting taking medications/injections, ADL assistance or help with eating.  This category does not include instances where the patient has made an informed choice not to follow a course of care.

Indicates how the patient without assistance moves to and from a lying position, turns side to side, and positions body while in bed.

Indicates how the patient with support provided moves to and from a lying position, turns side to side, and positions body while in bed.

Indicates how the patient without assistance moves between surfaces.  Examples include: moving from bed, chair, wheelchair to standing position.

Indicates how the patient with support provided moves between surfaces.  Examples include: moving from bed, chair, wheelchair to standing position.

Indicates how the patient without assistance eats and drinks, regardless of skill.

Indicates how the patient with support provided eats and drinks, regardless of skill.

Indicates how the patient without assistance uses the toilet room, commode, bedpan, or urinal, transfers on/off toilet, cleanses, changes pad, manages ostomy or catheter, and adjusts clothes.

Indicates how the patient with support uses the toilet room, commode, bedpan, or urinal, transfers on/off toilet, cleanses, changes pad, manages ostomy or catheter, and adjusts clothes.

A plan whereby staff members at scheduled times each day either take the patient to the toilet room, or give the patient a urinal, or remind the patient to go to the toilet.  Includes habit training and/or prompted voiding.

A retraining program where the patient is taught to consciously delay urinating or resist the urgency to void.  Patients are encourages to void on a schedule rather than according to their urge to void.  This form of training us used to manage urinary incontinence due to bladder instability.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

An ICD Code for comorbid conditions. A comorbidity is a specific condition that also affects a patient in addition to the principal diagnosis or impairment that is used to place a patient into a rehabilitation impairment category.

This column documents the patient's height (in inches) at admission.

Indicates the diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus (includes insulin-dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDM) and diet-controlled Diabetes (NIDDM or AODM).

Indicates the diagnosis of aphasia - a speech or language disorder caused by disease or injury to the brain resulting in difficulty expressing thoughts (spoken or written) or understanding spoken or written language. 

Indicates the diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy - a paralysis related to developmental brain defects or birth trauma. 

Indicates a diagnosis of hemiplegia/hemiparesis - paralysis/partial paralysis (temporary or permanent impairment of sensation, function, motion) of both limbs on one side of the body - usually caused by cerebral hemorrhage, thrombosis, embolism, or tumor. 

Indicates  a diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis - a chronic disease affecting the central nervous system with remissions and relapses of weakness, uncoordination, paresthesis, speed distrubances, and visual disturbances. 

Indicates a diagnosis of quadriplegia - paralysis (temporary or permanent impairment of sensation, function, motion) of all four limbs. Usually caused by cerebral hemorrhage, thrombosis, embolism, tumor, or spinal cord injury. 

This column documents the patient's weight (in pounds) at admission.

Indicates a diagnosis of pneumonia - inflammation of the lungs; most commonly of bacterial or viral origin. 

Indicates a diagnosis of septicemia - morbid condition associated with bacterial growth in the blood. 

Indicates the patient is dehydrated - output exceeds input. 

Indicates the patient has delusions - fixed, false beliefs not shared by others that the patient holds even when there is obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. 

Indicates the patient has a fever - a fever is present when the patient's temperature is 2.4 degrees greater than the baseline temperature. Many frail elders have normally low rectal baseline temperatures. 

Indicates the patient has hallucinations - false perceptions that occur in the absence of any real stimuli. A hallucination may be auditory (hearing voices), visual (seeing people, animals), tactile (feeling bugs crawling over skin), olfactory (smelling poisonous fumes), or gustatory (having strange tastes). 

Indicates the patient has internal bleeding - bleeding may be frank such as bright red blood) or occult. 

Indicates the patient has a vomiting problem condition.