Search Data Variables

A flag to indicate the managed care plan ID specified in the MC_PLAN_ID variable was active in November.

This variable is the number of months during the year that the beneficiary was enrolled in Medicaid or CHIP but was not eligible for Medicaid benefits due to aged, blind or disabled (A/B/D) categories.

Medicaid Coinsurance and Deductible FFS Payments for Months with 'Medicaid Only with Disability' Status

Medicaid Coinsurance and Deductible FFS and Managed Care Payments for Months with 'Medicaid Only with Disability' Status

Medicaid FFS claims for months with 'Medicaid Only with a Disability' Status

Medicaid covered days for months with 'Medicaid Only with a Disability' Status*

Medicaid days for months with 'Medicaid Only with a Disability' Status  (day count determined from start and end date of the claim)*

Medicaid FFS Payments for Months with 'Medicaid Only with Disability'  Status

Medicaid FFS and Managed Care Payments for Months with  'Medicaid Only with Disability' Status

Federal Share of Medicaid Payments for Months with 'Medicaid Only with Disability'  Status

State Share of Medicaid Payments for Months with 'Medicaid Only with Disability' Status

This field indicates which version of the MDS layout is being submitted for this assessment.

Unique identifier of the submission file that contains this assessment when combined with state identifier.

This field indicates which version of the MDS RAI form was completed for this assessment.

This variable is the number of months during the year that the beneficiary was enrolled in Medicaid benefits due to being aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D).

The amount included in the MDCD_PD_AMT that is attributable to a Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) payment, when the state makes DSH payments by claim.

A code which identifies a specific accommodation, ancillary service or billing calculation (as defined by UB-04 Billing Manual).

A code which identifies a specific accommodation, ancillary service or billing calculation (as defined by UB-04 Billing Manual).

This field contains the Medicaid Case Mix Index generated in the RUG calculation for this assessment by the state MDS system.



The number of inpatient days covered by Medicaid on this claim. For states that combine delivery/birth services on a single claim, include covered days for both the mother and the neonate in this field.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid
and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month.
There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid
and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month.
There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid
and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month.
There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid
and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month.
There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid
and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month.
There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid
and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month.
There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the month, including traditional Medicaid
and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP), in the month.
There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

Number of days of Medicaid enrollment in the calendar year, including traditional Medicaid and Medicaid Expansion Children’s Health Insurance Program (M-CHIP) enrolled days.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable indicates whether the eligibility group code applicable to the beneficiary in the month is for aged, blind, or disabled (A/B/D). There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year.

This variable is the number of months during the year that the beneficiary was enrolled in Medicaid benefits due to being aged, blind or disabled (A/B/D).

This variable is the total count of the Other Services (OT) claims for capitated payments for the beneficiary during the year.

This variable is a monthly variable that calculates managed care capitated spending for the beneficiary.

This variable is a monthly variable that calculates managed care capitated spending for the beneficiary.