U.S. Citizenship Indicator - Latest in Year

SAS Name

Indicates if the beneficiary is identified as a U.S. Citizen; most recent in the calendar and the two prior years.


SOURCE: T-MSIS Annual Demographic and Eligibility TAF

Code Code value
0 Non-citizen
1 U.S. citizen (effective August 2021; previously was “Yes”). If the state’s eligibility determination
system does not distinguish between U.S. citizens and U.S. nationals who are not U.S. citizens,
then this value is used for all U.S. citizens and U.S. nationals
2 U.S. National (effective August 2021). If the state’s eligibility determination system does
distinguish between U.S. citizens and U.S. nationals who are not U.S. citizens, then this value is
used for U.S. nationals who are not U.S. citizens
Null/missing source value is missing or unknown