Managed Care Plan Authorized Eligibility Group Population Code

SAS Name

The eligibility group(s) the state is authorized to enroll in managed care plans by its operating authority


This variable is created from each submitted value reported in T-MSIS. For example, state X has a health plan that enrolls infants and children under age 19, and children with non-IV-E adoption assistance Medicaid populations. Accordingly, MC_PLAN_ELGBLTY_GRP_POP_CD will equal “07” on the first Population Enrolled record and MC_PLAN_ELGBLTY_GRP_POP_CD will equal “29” on the second Population Enrolled record. These population enrolled variables are also used to create the Medicaid population indicators on the MCP base file, such as MDCD_MAND_CVRG_ADLT_POP_IND, etc. For example, if any of the MC_PLAN_ELGBLTY_GRP_POP_CD data elements contain a value of “01”–“09” or “72”–“75”, then MDCD_MAND_CVRG_ADLT_POP_IND will be set to 1.

Source: T-MSIS Annual Manage Care Plan TAF