Reminder: DUA and VRDC access needs to be extended or renewed annually. Read more.
This variable is contained in the following files:
SAS Name
A beneficiary’s Maintenance Assistance Status and Basis of Eligibility (MASBOE) group. This is a three character designation, where the first character indicates the beneficiary’s Maintenance Assistance Status (MAS), e.g., “medically needy”, and the second and third positions indicate their Basis of Eligibility (BOE), e.g., “aged”; in the month. There are separate variables for each of the 12 months during the year
This variable has been retired and T-MSIS is using the eligibility group code (monthly ELGBLTY_GRP_CD_01-12) to designate information regarding eligibility. This variable (MASBOE_CD_01-12) is sparsely reported by states.
SOURCE: T-MSIS Annual Demographic and Eligibility TAF