Long-Term Services & Supports Provider 1 Identification Number - Latest in Year

SAS Name

A unique identification number assigned by the state to the long term care facility furnishing healthcare services to the beneficiary; most recent in the calendar year.


There are up to three long-term care providers for each month; the sequence (1st-3rd LTSS provider ID) is indicated by the last digit.

Two additional fields apply to the 1st through 3rd providers. The monthly LTSS_LVL_CD_1_MM corresponds to the LTSS provider ID (LTSS_PRVDR_ID_1). The latest level of care code for the provider is LTSS_LVL_CD_1_LTST.

SOURCE:  T-MSIS Annual Demographic and Eligibility TAF

Identification number, maximum 30 letters and numbers
Code Code value
Null/missing source value is missing or unknown