Line Procedure AHRQ Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) Category Cd

SAS Name

: AHRQ Clinical Classifications Software (CCS) procedure category code. The Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) aggregates International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification/Procedure Coding System (ICD-10-CM/PCS) codes into clinically meaningful categories. The CCSR for ICD-10-PCS procedures aggregates more than 80,000 ICD-10-PCS procedure codes into over 320 clinical categories across 31 clinical domains.


AHRQ maintains the list of values at the following link; scroll to the “Downloading Information for the Tool and Documentation” portion of the page: CMS used the CCSR v2021.2 software to populate this field. CCSR uses the first three characters to indicate which of the 31 clinical domains applies. In the TAF the CCSR was mapped to the OT Line Procedure Code (variable called LINE_PRCDR_CD) The 31 clinical domains are:

ADM = Administration of Therapeutic Substances

CAR = Cardiovascular Procedures

CHP = Chiropractic Treatment

CNS = Central Nervous System Procedures

ENP = Endocrine Procedures

ENT = Ear, Nose, and Throat Procedures

ESA = Extracorporeal or Systemic Assistance and Performance

EST = Extracorporeal or Systemic Therapies

EYP = Eye Procedures

FRS = Female Reproductive System Procedures

GIS = Gastrointestinal System Procedures

GNR = General Region Procedures

HEP = Hepatobiliary and Pancreas Procedures

IMG = Imaging

LYM = Lymphatic and Hemic System Procedures

MAM = Measurement and Monitoring

MHT = Mental Health Therapy

MRS = Male Reproductive System Procedures

MST = Musculoskeletal, Subcutaneous Tissue, and Fascia Procedures

NCM = Nuclear Medicine

OST = Osteopathic Treatment

OTR = Other Procedures

PGN = Pregnancy-Related Procedures

PLC = Dressings and Other Placements

PNS = Peripheral Nervous System Procedures

RAD = Radiation Therapy

RES = Respiratory System Procedures

RHB = Rehabilitation, Evaluation, and Treatment

SKB = Skin and Breast Procedures

SUD = Substance Use Disorder Treatment

URN = Urinary System Procedures

Values: Eight-character alpha-numeric value; first three characters classify the clinical domains (refer to COMMENT) Ex: ADM010 = Vaccinations

Null/missing = source value is missing or unknown

Source: T-MSIS Analytic File (TAF) Claims