GG0170A4 Mobility: Roll Left Right Ability at Follow-Up

SAS Name

Indicates the patient's ability to roll left and right at follow-up.


This variable is included in the Home Health Outcome and Assessment Information Set file.

Values 7-88 are used if activit ywas not attempted.

Code Code value
01 Dependent – Helper does ALL of the effort. Patient does none of the effort to complete the activity. Or, the assistance of 2 or more helpers is required for the patient to complete the activity.
02 Substantial/maximal assistance – Helper does MORE THAN HALF the effort. Helper lifts or holds trunk or limbs and provides more than half the effort.
03 Partial/moderate assistance – Helper does LESS THAN HALF the effort. Helper lifts, holds or supports trunk or limbs, but provides less than half the effort.
04 Supervision or touching assistance – Helper provides verbal cues and/or touching/steadying and/or contact guard assistance as patient completes activity. Assistance may be provided throughout the activity or intermittently.
05 Setup or clean-up assistance – Helper sets up or cleans up; patient completes activity. Helper assists only prior to or following the activity.
06 Independent – Patient completes the activity by him/herself with no assistance from a helper.
07 Patient refused
09 Not applicable – Not attempted and the patient did not perform this activity prior to the current illness, exacerbation or injury.
10 Not attempted due to environmental limitations (e.g., lack of equipment, weather constraints)
88 Not attempted due to medical conditions or safety concerns