Inpatient (Encounter)

The Medicare Inpatient (Encounter) file contains Medicare Advantage plan records for inpatient hospital stays.

This file includes (variable highlights):

  • Admission, discharge dates
  • Diagnosis (ICD diagnosis) codes
  • Procedure (ICD procedure) codes
  • Diagnostic related group (DRG) codes
  • Patient discharge status code
  • Organization NPI
  • Part C/Medicare Advantage benefit package and contract number
  • Revenue center codes, dates, unit counts
  • No payment variables are available

Special considerations:

  • Many Medicare Advantage Plans offer extra coverage in addition to services covered under traditional fee-for-service Medicare (e.g., vision, hearing, dental, and/or health and wellness programs). Encounter data may include records for some of these additional items and services provided under the plan.

Availability of this file

Service year 2015-2021
2022 Preliminary
See what is in this file