Revenue Center Total Charge Amount

SAS Name

The total charges (covered and non-covered) for all accommodations and services (related to the revenue code) for a billing period before reduction for the deductible and coinsurance amounts and before an adjustment for the cost of services provided.


For accommodation revenue center total charges must equal the rate times units (days).


(1) For SNF RUGS demo claims only (9000 series revenue center codes), this field contains SNF customary accommodation charge, (ie., charges related to the accommodation revenue center code that would have been applicable if the provider had not been participating in the demo).

(2) For SNF PPS (non-demo claims), when revenue center code = '0022', the total charges will be zero.

(3) For Home Health PPS (RAPs), when revenue center code = '0023', the total charges will equal the dollar amount for the '0023' line.

(4) For Home Health PPS (final claim), when revenue center code = '0023', the total charges will be the sum of the revenue center code lines (other than '0023').

(5) For Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility (IRF) PPS, when the revenue center code = ‘0024', the total charges will be zero. For accommodation revenue codes (010X - 021X), total charges must equal the rate times the units.

(6) For encounter data, if the plan (e.g. MCO) does not know the actual charges for the accommodations the total charges will be $1 (rate) times units (days).

Source: NCH