Under the Long-Term Care Hospital (LTCH) Prospective Payment System (PPS), the payment amount based on the MS-LTC-DRG payment with short stay outlier (SSO) adjustment.
This amount does not include any applicable outlier payment amount.
This field is derived by accumulating the amount field (CLM_SSO_STD_PMT_AMT) that is on any of the claim records included in the stay (i.e., sum of the CLM_SSO_STD_PMT_AMT reported on the claims that comprised the stay).
This amount does not include any applicable outlier payment amount.
This field is derived by accumulating the amount field (CLM_SSO_STD_PMT_AMT) that is on any of the claim records included in the stay (i.e., sum of the CLM_SSO_STD_PMT_AMT reported on the claims that comprised the stay).
This field is new in 2015.
Source: NCH