Claim Pass Thru Per Diem Amount

SAS Name

Medicare establishes a daily payment amount to reimburse IPPS hospitals for certain “pass-through” expenses, such as capital-related costs, direct medical education costs, kidney acquisition costs for hospitals that are renal transplant centers, and bad debts. This variable is the daily payment rate for pass-through expenses. It is not included in the CLM_PMT_AMT field.

To determine the total of the pass-through payments for a hospitalization, this field should be multiplied by the claim Medicare utilization day count (CLM_UTLZTN_DAY_CNT). Then, total Medicare payments for a hospitalization claim can be determined by summing this product and the CLM_PMT_AMT field. 


Medicare payments are described in detail in a series of Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) documents called “Payment Basics” (see:, and also in the Medicare Learning Network (MLN) “Payment System Fact Sheet Series” (see the list of MLN publications at: