Benefit Phase

Indicates the benefit phase in which the claim was expected to occur based on a data of service ordering of the beneficiary's claims, the beneficiary's accumulated gross drug and out-of-pocket costs, and the plan's deductible, initial coverage limit (ICL) and out-of-pocket threshold (OOPT) amount. Phases may include Deductible, Pre-ICL, ICL (Coverage Gap) or Catastrophic. Events that occur between two different phases are called straddle PDEs.

Code Code value
Blank Not a covered drug
XX PDE Plan Identifiers do not link to the Plan Benefit file
NA National Pace or Employer Sponsored Plan
DD Deductible phase
DP Deductible to Pre-ICL Straddle PDE
DI Deductible to ICL (coverage gap) Straddle PDE
DC Deductible to Catastrophic Straddle PDE
PP Pre-ICL phase
PI Pre-ICL to ICL Straddle PDE
PC Pre-ICL to Catastrophic Straddle PDE
II ICL (coverage gap) Phase
IC ICL (coverage gap) to Catastrophic Straddle PDE
CC Catastrophic phase