Beneficiary Other Needs Record in Supplemental Disability File

SAS Name

A flag to indicate that there is record in the Disability and Needs supplemental file for this person with monthly values of: HCBS chronic conditions, care level status for LongTerm Services and Supports (LTSS) program, disabilities (concentrating, walking, dressing/bathing, and errands), pregnancy, enrollment in Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), receipt of Supplemental Security Income (SSI), SSI State supplement status, SSI status, Birth to Conception status, receipt of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) benefits, had some form of third party liability (TPL) insurance coverage and/or had some other form of third party liability (TPL) funding besides insurance coverage.


This data element is set to value of 1 if the beneficiary had a record in the Disability & Need Supplemental File for a number of other data elements for the beneficiary for any month in the calendar year from the monthly enrollment TAF.

SOURCE: T-MSIS Annual Demographic and Eligibility TAF

Code Code value
0 No
1 Yes
Null/missing source value is missing or unknown