Reminder: DUA and VRDC access needs to be extended or renewed annually. Read more.
This variable is contained in the following files:
SAS Name
This variable is the count of events for part B anesthesia services (ANES) for a given year. An event is defined as each line item that contains the relevant service.
ANES claims are a subset of the claims, and a subset of procedures in the Part B Carrier data file. ANES claims are defined as those with a line BETOS code (BETOS_CD) where the first 2 digits = “P0” and the CARR_LINE_MTUS_CD='2'.
Null/missing or 1-XXX
There are 11 cost/use categories from the Carrier Part B and DME data files – the ASC, Anesthesia, Part B Drug, Physician, E &M, dialysis, imaging, tests, other procedures, DME and other carrier claims.
Source: CCW (derived)