Reminder: DUA and VRDC access needs to be extended or renewed annually. Read more.
This variable is contained in the following files:
SAS Name
A score indicating the patient's ability to eat at discharge. Eating includes the ability to use suitable utensils to bring food to the mouth, as well as the ability to chew and swallow the food once the meal is presented in the customary manner on a table or tray.
Code | Code value |
01 | Helper - Complete Dependence/Total Assistance (Subject less than 25%) |
02 | Helper - Complete Dependence/Maximal Assistance (Subject 25% or more) |
03 | Helper - Modified Dependence/Moderate Assistance (Subject 50% or more) |
04 | Helper - Modified Dependence/Minimal Assistance (Subject 75% or more) |
05 | Helper - Modified Dependence/Supervision (Subject 100%) |
06 | No Helper/Modified Independence (Device) |
07 | No Helper/Complete Independence (Timely, Safely) |