See the CCW web site for the annual and quarterly file data documentation.

NumberSAS NameVariable Name
1 BENE_ID Encrypted CCW Beneficiary ID
2 BENE_ACO_YEAR Year of ACO file
3 BENE_ACO_QTR Quarter of ACO file
4 ACO_NUM ACO identifier
6 START_DATE ACO Agreement Start Date
7 PRELIM_ASSIGN Assigned in Preliminary/Prospective Assignment Period
8 Q1_ASSIGN Assigned in Quarter 1
9 Q2_ASSIGN Assigned in Quarter 2
10 Q3_ASSIGN Assigned in Quarter 3
11 Q4_ASSIGN Assigned in Quarter 4
12 FINAL_ASSIGN Assigned in Final Reconciliation
13 PRELIM_AB_ELIG_MONTHS Parts A and B Eligible Months in Preliminary Period
14 FINAL_PTD_ELIG_MONTHS Part D Eligible Months
15 BIRTH_DT Date of Birth
16 BENE_DEATH_DT Date of Death
17 GNDR_CD Gender
18 RACE_CD Race
19 M01_ENROLL Month 1 Eligibility Flag
20 M02_ENROLL Month 2 Eligibility Flag
21 M03_ENROLL Month 3 Eligibility Flag
22 M04_ENROLL Month 4 Eligibility Flag
23 M05_ENROLL Month 5 Eligibility Flag
24 M06_ENROLL Month 6 Eligibility Flag
25 M07_ENROLL Month 7 Eligibility Flag
26 M08_ENROLL Month 8 Eligibility Flag
27 M09_ENROLL Month 9 Eligibility Flag
28 M10_ENROLL Month 10 Eligibility Flag
29 M11_ENROLL Month 11 Eligibility Flag
30 M12_ENROLL Month 12 Eligibility Flag
31 ADI_NATRANK ADI National Percentile Rank
33 IN_VA_MAX Voluntary Alignment Flag
34 CBA_FLAG Claims-Based Assignment Flag
35 ESRD_SCORE CMS-HCC Risk Score for ESRD Status
36 DIS_SCORE CMS-HCC Risk Score for Disabled Status
37 AGDU_SCORE CMS-HCC Risk Score for Aged/Dual Status
38 AGND_SCORE CMS-HCC Risk Score for Aged/Non-dual Status
39 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_01 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 1
40 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_02 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 2
41 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_03 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 3
42 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_04 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 4
43 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_05 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 5
44 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_06 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 6
45 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_07 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 7
46 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_08 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 8
47 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_09 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 9
48 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_10 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 10
49 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_11 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 11
50 BENE_RSK_R_SCRE_12 Monthly CMS-HCC Risk Score 12