Reminder: DUA and VRDC access needs to be extended or renewed annually. Read more.
Number | SAS Name | Variable Name |
1 | BENE_ID | Encrypted CCW Beneficiary Identifier |
2 | PRACTICE_ID | Model-Assigned Practice ID |
3 | PRACTICE_NAME | Name of Practice |
4 | TIN | Practice's Taxpayer Identification Number |
5 | UNIQUE_PATIENT_ID | Unique Model-Assigned Patient ID |
6 | PATIENT_DOB | Patient's Date of Birth |
7 | PATIENT_GENDER | Patient's Gender |
8 | PATIENT_RACE | Patient's Race |
9 | PATIENT_ETHNICITY | Patient's Ethnicity |
10 | IS_MEDICARE_PARTB | Identify if the Patient is Enrolled in Medicare Part B |
11 | INSERT_DATE | Date the Record was Created |
12 | UPDATE_DATE | Date the Record was Modified |