0 = Unknown Value (but present in data) 1 = Paid standard hospital OPPS amount (status indicators K,S,T,V,X) 2 = Services not paid under OPPS (status indicator A, or no HCPCS code and not certain revenue center codes) 3 = Not paid (status indicator M,W,Y,E) or not paid under OPPS (status indicator B, C, and Z) 4 = Paid at reasonable cost (status indicator F and L) 5 = Additional payment for drug or biological (status indicator G) 6 = Additional payment for device (status indicator H) 7 = Additional payment for new drug or new biological (status indicator J) 8 = Paid partial hospitalization per diem (status indicator P) 9 = No additional payment, payment included in line items with APCs (status indicator N, or no HCPCS code and certain revenue center codes, or HCPCS codes G0176 (activity therapy), G0129 (occupational therapy) or G0177 (partial hospitalization program services) *********VALUES PRIOR TO 10/3/2005************** **********Service Status Indicator************** ********** 1st position ***************** A = Services not paid under OPPS C = Inpatient procedure E = Non-covered items or services F = Corneal tissue acquisition G = Current drug or biological pass-through H = Device pass-through J = New drug or new biological passthrough N = Packaged incidental service P = Partial hospitalization services S = Significant procedure not subject to multiple procedure discounting T = Significant procedure subject to multiple procedure discounting V = Medical visit to clinic or emergency department X = Ancillary service **********Payment Indicator************** ********** 2nd position ***************** 1 = Paid standard hospital OPPS amount (service indicators S,T,V,X) 2 = Services not paid under OPPS (service indicator A, or no HCPCS code and not certain revenue center codes) 3 = Not paid (service indicators C and E) 4 = Acquisition cost paid (service indicator F) 5 = Additional payment for current drug or biological (service indicator G) 6 = Additional payment for device (service indicator H) 7 = Additional payment for new drug or new biological (service indicator J) 8 = Paid partial hospitalization per diem (service indicator P) 9 = No additional payment, payment included in line items with APCs (service indicator N, or no HCPCS code and certain revenue center codes, or HCPCS codes Q0082 (activity therapy), G0129 (occupational therapy) or G0172 (partial hospitalization training)