Registry status Status display in registry Supporting codes Code definition (patient grid) (sub-codes) S001 Incomplete record SC001 The temporarily not enrolled for cause beneficiary has now been accepted S001 Incomplete record SC002 The pending acceptance beneficiary is accepted, but data is not complete S002 Released for validation SC003 PO updated HICN for verify HICN action S002 Released for validation SC023 PO updated record for verify beneficiary action S002 Released for validation SC022 PO updated MBI for verify MBI action S002 Released for validation SC033 Beneficiary was lost to follow up S002 Released for validation SC034 PO updated records for dropped action S002 Released for validation SC036 PO updated visit for verify visit action S003 Enrolled SC004 The pending acceptance beneficiary was accepted and completed S003 Enrolled SC005 The temporarily not enrolled for cause beneficiary has now been accepted S003 Enrolled SC006 Beneficiary status changed to aligned Low/Med SC015 The alignment record indicates that the Low- or Medium-risk patient is not aligned but eligible S004 Pending acceptance SC013 The beneficiary is pending acceptance S005 Not aligned SC014 Beneficiary status changed to not aligned S006 Verify HICN SC017 Verify HICN S007 Ineligible SC026 Exclusion: The beneficiary is not enrolled in Medicare Fee for Service Parts A and B S007 Ineligible SC027 Exclusion: The beneficiary is not age 40–79 at time of enrollment S007 Ineligible SC028 Exclusion: The beneficiary is enrolled in the hospice benefit S007 Ineligible SC029 Exclusion: The beneficiary is enrolled in Medicare Advantage S007 Ineligible SC030 Exclusion: Medicare is not a primary payer S008 Permanently ineligible SC025 Exclusion: The beneficiary is not alive S008 Permanently ineligible SC031 Exclusion: The beneficiary has end-stage renal disease S008 Permanently ineligible SC032 Exclusion: The beneficiary has a previous heart attack or stroke S009 Permanent: Not enrolled for cause SC007 Significant comorbidities with a limited life expectancy of less than two years S009 Permanent: Not enrolled for cause SC008 Unstable angina S009 Permanent: Not enrolled for cause SC009 Class IV heart failure S009 Permanent: Not enrolled for cause SC010 Peripheral vascular disease S009 Permanent: Not enrolled for cause SC011 Prior heart attack or stroke S010 Temporary: Not enrolled for cause SC012 One-time encounter/Will not return for follow up S010 Temporary: Not enrolled for cause SC013 Beneficiary declines to participate in the model S010 Unavailable cholesterol SC016 Cholesterol not available or out of range S011 Lost to follow-up Enrolled beneficiary lost to follow-up S012 Dropped Low/Medium beneficiary lost to follow-up