01 = Parents and Other Caretaker Relatives 02 = Transitional Medical Assistance 03 = Extended Medicaid due to Earnings 04 = Extended Medicaid due to Spousal Support Collections 05 = Pregnant Women 06 = Deemed Newborns 07 = Infants and Children > Age 19 08 = Children with Title IV-E Adoption Assistance, Foster Care or Guardianship Care 09 = Former Foster Care Children 11 = Individuals Receiving SSI 12 = Aged, Blind, and Disabled Individuals in 209(b) States 13 = Individuals Receiving Mandatory State Supplements 14 = Individuals Who Are Essential Spouses 15 = Institutionalized Individuals Continuously Eligible Since 1973 16 = Blind or Disabled Individuals Eligible in 1973 17 = Individuals Who Lost Eligibility for SSI/SSP Due to an Increase in OASDI Benefits in 1972 18 = Individuals Who Would be Eligible for SSI/SSP but for OASDI COLA increases since April 1977 19 = Disabled Widows and Widowers Ineligible for SSI due to Increase in OASDI 20 = Disabled Widows and Widowers Ineligible for SSI due to Early Receipt of Social Security 21 = Working Disabled under 1619(b) 22 = Disabled Adult Children 23 = Qualified Medicare Beneficiaries (QMB) 24 = Qualified Disabled and Working Individuals (QDWI) 25 = Specified Low Income Medicare Beneficiaries (SLMB) 26 = Qualifying Individuals 27 = Optional Coverage of Parents and Other Caretaker Relatives 28 = Reasonable Classifications of Individuals under Age 21 29 = Children with Non-IV-E Adoption Assistance 30 = Independent Foster Care Adolescents 31 = Optional Targeted Low-Income Children 32 = Individuals Electing COBRA Continuation Coverage 33 = Individuals above 133% FPL > Age 65 34 = Certain Individuals Needing Treatment for Breast or Cervical Cancer 35 = Individuals Eligible for Family Planning Services 36 = Individuals with Tuberculosis 37 = Aged, Blind, or Disabled Individuals Eligible for but Not Receiving Cash Assistance 38 = Individuals Eligible for Cash Assistance except for Institutionalization 39 = Individuals Receiving Home and Community Based Services under Institutional Rules 40 = Optional State Supplement Recipients — 1634 States, and SSI Criteria States with 1616 Agreements 41 = Optional State Supplement Recipients — 209(b) States, and SSI Criteria States without 1616 Agreements 42 = Institutionalized Individuals Eligible under a Special Income Level 43 = Individuals participating in a PACE Program under Institutional Rules 44 = Individuals Receiving Hospice Care 45 = Qualified Disabled Children > Age 19 46 = Poverty Level Aged or Disabled 47 = Work Incentives Eligibility Group 48 = Ticket to Work Basic Group 49 = Ticket to Work Medical Improvements Group 50 = Family Opportunity Act Children with Disabilities 51 = Individuals Eligible for Home and Community-Based Services 52 = Individuals Eligible for Home and Community-Based Services — Special Income Level 53 = Medically Needy Pregnant Women 54 = Medically Needy Children > Age 18 55 = Medically Needy Children Age 18–20 56 = Medically Needy Parents and Other Caretakers 59 = Medically Needy Aged, Blind or Disabled 60 = Medically Needy Blind or Disabled Individuals Eligible in 1973 61 = Targeted Low-Income Children 62 = Deemed Newborn 63 = Children Ineligible for Medicaid Due to Loss of Income Disregards 64 = Coverage from Conception to Birth 65 = Children with Access to Public Employee Coverage 66 = Children Eligible for Dental Only Supplemental Coverage 67 = Targeted Low-Income 69 = Individuals with Mental Health Conditions (expansion group) 70 = Family Planning Participants (expansion group) 71 = Other expansion group 72 = Adult Group — Individuals at or below 133% FPL, 19–64, newly eligible for all states 73 = Adult Group — Individuals at or below 133% FPL, 19–64, not newly eligible for non-1905z(3) states 74 = Adult Group — Individuals at or below 133% FPL, 19–64, not newly eligible parent/caretakerrelative(s) in 1905z(3) states 75 = Adult Group — Individuals at or below 133% FPL, 19–64, not newly eligible non-parent/caretakerrelative(s) in 1905z(3) states Null/missing = source value is missing, unknown, or not Medicaid enrolled