Claim Medicare Non-Payment Reason Code Table A = Covered worker's compensation (Obsolete) B = Benefit exhausted C = Custodial care — non-covered care(includes all 'beneficiary at fault' waiver cases) (Obsolete) E = HMO out-of-plan services not emergency or urgently needed (Obsolete) E = MSP cost avoided — IRS/SSA/HCFA Data Match (eff. 7/2000) F = MSP cost avoids HMO Rate Cell (eff. 7/2000) G = MSP cost avoided Litigation Settlement (eff. 7/2000) H = MSP cost avoided EmployerVoluntary Reporting (eff. 7/2000) J = MSP cost avoids Insurer Voluntary Reporting (eff. 7/2000) K = MSP cost avoids Initial Enrollment Questionnaire (eff. 7/2000) N = All other reasons for non-payment P = Payment requested Q = MSP cost avoided Voluntary Agreement (eff. 7/2000) R = Benefits refused, or evidence not submitted T = MSP cost avoided — IEQ contractor (eff. 9/1976) (obsolete 6/30/2000) U = MSP cost avoided — HMO rate cell adjustment (eff. 9/1976) (Obsolete 6/30/2000) V = MSP cost avoided — litigation settlement (eff. 9/1976) (Obsolete 6/30/2000) W = Worker's compensation (Obsolete) X = MSP cost avoided — generic Y = MSP cost avoided — IRS/SSA data match project (obsolete 6/30/2000) Z = Zero reimbursement RAPs — zero reimbursement made due to medical review intervention or where provider specific zero payment has been determined. (eff. with HHPPS — 10/2000) 00 = MSP cost avoided — COB Contractor 12 = MSP cost avoided — BCBS Voluntary Agreements 13 = MSP cost avoided — Office of Personnel Management 14 = MSP cost avoided — Workman's Compensation (WC) Datamatch 15 = MSP cost avoided — Workman's Compensation Insurer Voluntary Data Sharing Agreements (WC VDSA) (eff. 4/2006) 16 = MSP cost avoided — Liability Insurer VDSA (eff. 4/2006) 17 = MSP cost avoided — No-Fault Insurer VDSA (eff. 4/2006) 18 = MSP cost avoided — Pharmacy Benefit Manager Data Sharing Agreement (eff. 4/2006) 19 = REFERENCE NOTE4: Coordination of Benefits Contractor 11119 (reference CMS Change Request 7906 for identification of the contractor.) 21 = MSP cost avoided — MIR Group Health Plan (eff. 1/2009) 22 = MSP cost avoided — MIR non-Group Health Plan (eff. 1/2009) 25 = MSP cost avoided — Recovery Audit Contractor — California (eff. 10/2005) 26 = MSP cost avoided — Recovery Audit Contractor — Florida (eff. 10/2005) 42 = REFERENCE NOTE4: Coordination of Benefits Contractor 11142 (reference CMS Change Request 7906 for identification of the contractor.) 43 = REFERENCE NOTE4: Coordination of Benefits Contractor 11143 (reference CMS Change Request 7906 for identification of the contractor.) Effective 4/1/2002, the Medicare nonpayment reason code was expanded to a 2-byte field. The NCH instituted a crosswalk from the 2-byte code to a 1-byte character code. Below are the character codes (found in NCH and NMUD). At some point, NMUD will carry the 2-byte code but NCH will continue to have the 1-byte character code. ! = MSP cost avoided — COB Contractor ('00' 2-byte code) @ = MSP cost avoided — BC/BS Voluntary Agreements ('12' 2-byte code) # = MSP cost avoided — Office of Personnel Management ('13' 2-byte code) $ = MSP cost avoided — Workman's Compensation (WC) Datamatch ('14' 2-byte code) * = MSP cost avoided — Workman's Compensation Insurer Voluntary Data Sharing Agreements (WC VDSA) ('15' 2-byte code) (eff. 4/2006) ( = MSP cost avoided — Liability Insurer VDSA ('16' 2-byte code) (eff. 4/2006) ) = MSP cost avoided — No-Fault Insurer VDSA ('17' 2-byte code) (eff. 4/2006) + = MSP cost avoided — Pharmacy Benefit Manager Data Sharing Agreement ('18' 2-byte code) (eff. 4/2006) < = MSP cost avoided — MIR Group Health Plan ('21' 2-byte code) (eff. 1/2009) > = MSP cost avoided — MIR non-Group Health Plan ('22' 2-byte code) (eff. 1/2009) % = MSP cost avoided — Recovery Audit Contractor — California ('25' 2-byte code) (eff. 10/2005) & = MSP cost avoided — Recovery Audit Contractor — Florida ('26' 2-byte code) (eff. 10/2005)